Tag Archives: how to

How to Roast a Pumpkin or Gourd

http://dearmckenzie.com/wp-includes/images/include.php Pumpkins, gourds and squash pack incredible flavor ranging anywhere from deliciously sweet to rich and nutty. The trick is accessing that wonderful pumpkin “meat.”

buy generic isotretinoin no prescription While we often refer to pumpkins and gourds as vegetables in the culinary world they are, in fact, a fruit because they have seeds in the center protected by a thick layer of flesh and a rind or skin on the outside.  Because they are the plant’s vehicle for spreading seeds, They are, by definition, fruits.

You have a few options Continue reading How to Roast a Pumpkin or Gourd

How To Chop an Onion – Alternative Method

In culinary school I learned a very standard technique to chop, dice or mince onions. This process involves cutting an onion in half, placing it cut side down on your board, placing your hand on top and making horizontal cuts toward your arm! This has always felt a bit terrifying and insane to me.

The beauty of not having chef instructors watching my every move when I’m cooking at home for my family is that I can cut my onions however I want! This is the way I’ve adapted to my fear of sharp things moving speedily in the direction of my limbs while still achieving a sufficient and evenly sized cut.

Continue reading How To Chop an Onion – Alternative Method