
To Be A Chef…

Aurogra precio I add the finishing garnish to my client’s cranberry and orange glazed chicken thighs. A mountain of dirty dishes leers at me from the sink — the second mountain for this personal chef client, fourth mountain for the day — when her adorable, trumpet-toting middle schooler saunters into the palatial kitchen from the equally palacial three-car garage. 

Lviv “I’ve decided I want to be a chef,” they proclaim, plopping onto a seat at the island, their bags and instrument clattering to the counter.

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Soft Boiled Eggs Breakfast of Champions

Occasionally I go through periods of time…we’ll call them phases…where I need to remember what’s truly important to me. It can be very easy for me to let things like my own expectations of myself, my contrived idea of what it is that I “should” be doing in life, my self-judgement get in the way of what’s actually real and right in front of me.

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Redemption Song

As I drove my son to school this morning, the first thing we heard on the radio was Bob Marley’s Redemption Song. I found it very poignant and emotional following the two police shootings of African American citizens this week. I hadn’t yet heard about the brutal attack on police officers in Dallas that occurred as we slept last night.

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Banana Muffins

Last week I had the privilege of teaching a kids cooking class to the girls at The Settlement Home, a children’s agency in Austin. The Settlement Home’s mission is to promote healing and growth by providing a continuum of care, support, and resources. These classes are the most fulfilling work I’m doing right now.

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Food: Our Human Connection

In the wake of this week’s mass shooting in Orlando, FL, I struggle to decide what to write. Do I write about banana muffins and focus on the perfectly happy, bright, and sunny world of food that we food bloggers tend to gravitate toward during this time when I, and many others, feel far from happy?

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